AC System For Hurricane Season

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Whatever situation you may find yourself in, from a broken central AC, leaking AC or not cooling, finding a solution can be stressful.

At Wholesale A/C Repairs, we have the experience and expertise to help you resolve any situation you may find yourself in regarding your cooling system in South Florida.

AC System For Hurricane Season

Preparing Your AC System for Hurricane Season

  1. Secure Your Outdoor Units Protect Against High Winds

AC System For Hurricane Season – Before hurricane season arrives, it’s crucial to secure your outdoor AC units to prevent damage from high winds. Consider installing hurricane pads or bolts to anchor your equipment securely. Use Protective Covers

Invest in high-quality covers designed to shield your units from flying debris. These covers should fit securely around your AC, preventing minor damages that could lead to costly repairs. Remember to remove the covers once the storm has passed to ensure proper ventilation.

  1. Enhance Your Drainage System Prevent Water Damage

Check and clear your AC’s drainage lines before the storm season to prevent backups and potential water damage. A well-maintained drainage system ensures that water flows away from your unit and foundation. Install a Sump Pump

For areas prone to flooding, installing a sump pump near your AC units can help remove water that accumulates during storms, protecting your equipment from water damage.

  1. Electrical Safety Precautions Surge Protection

Power surges are common during storms and can damage your AC system. Installing a surge protector can regulate the voltage supplied to your AC, safeguarding your equipment. Routine Electrical Checks

Loose connections can become hazardous during storms. Regular checks and maintenance can prevent these issues before hurricane season begins.

  1. Regular Maintenance Checks Pre-Season Servicing

Schedule a maintenance check with a certified technician to ensure your system is in top condition. They can identify potential problems exacerbated by storms, such as refrigerant leaks or faulty wiring. Additionally, they can lubricate moving parts, verify fluid levels, and adjust misaligned components to ensure peak efficiency. DIY Maintenance Tips

Regularly replace or clean your AC filters and check for signs of wear and tear. Keeping your system clean and free of debris extends its life and ensures efficient operation. Clear any vegetation or debris around the outdoor unit to enhance airflow and reduce strain, which is crucial during storm season.

  1. Plan for Emergencies Have a Backup Generator

In case of power outages, a backup generator can keep your AC running, maintaining comfort and preventing moisture build-up inside your home. Choose a generator that can handle the load of your AC system.

Create a Quick-Response Plan – AC System For Hurricane Season

Develop a plan for quickly shutting down your system and securing outdoor components when a hurricane is imminent. Ensure all household members are familiar with this plan.

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Maintenance and Repair Needs!